The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK is coordinating a project to establish national ethical principles and ethical review model for research on nature and environment. For this work, we are organizing an online discussion event for the research community and others working in the field to explore the specific ethical questions related to research on terrestrial environments.
This event is the first part of a discussion series addressing the ethical questions in research on nature and environment, categorized by themes. The insights from the series will be utilized in the drafting of ethical guidelines.
Time: Thursday 26 September at 2-4 pm
Place: Teams
- Opening of the event, Professor Teppo Hujala (University of Eastern Finland)
- Ethical questions in terrestrial environments research, Professor Jaana Bäck and Professor Juha Helenius (University of Helsinki)
- Discussion
The discussion event will be held remotely via Teams. It is specifically aimed for researchers working with terrestrial environments, administrative staff involved in research ethics, and relevant authorities. Everyone interested is welcome! The event will be flexibly bilingual in English and Finnish.
NB! Registration has ended, but if you wish to attend, contact oona.myllyntaus(at)tenk.fi. We will send a link to the participants before the event.
Participants are encouraged to consider the following questions in advance:
- What ethical considerations related to environmental impacts of research have you encountered in your work?
- Did you discuss ethical issues with anyone, and where did you find support? How were the benefits and harms weighed, and how was the issue resolved?
- How should research on terrestrial environments be addressed in the ethical guidelines?
- What specific characteristics does such research have from a research ethics perspective?
For more information about the event, please contact Adviser Oona Myllyntaus: oona.myllyntaus@tenk.fi.
The next event in the discussion series, focusing on climate and space, will be held on Wednesday, 20 November, 2024, at 9-11 AM. More information about the event will be updated on the TENK website.
Photo: Paul Mocan, Unsplash