The Education Department of the Council of Europe has opened a call for Best Practices in Promoting Academic Integrity during COVID-19. The call is open until 20 August 2021.
The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the entire higher education sector causing closures and interruption of classroom-based teaching and learning, and such a sudden shift to online education may have had further implications for academic integrity. Promoting academic integrity remains fundamental to the credibility of higher education institutions and helps to protect the quality of higher education degrees.
Therefore, the Education Department is launching a Best Practice Programme in Promoting Academic Integrity during COVID-19, with the aim of identifying, publicly recognising and disseminating relevant practices across Europe.
The practices will be selected through a public call which is open to public and private higher education institutions recognised as belonging to the education system of one of the 50 States parties to the European Cultural Convention.
Best Practice Programme is a celebration of good practices rather than a competition. The selected cases will be published in a compilation of good practices on promoting academic integrity and will be disseminated across higher education institutions, using the ETINED Platform and other means. An award ceremony will be organised in Strasbourg or online during autumn 2021.
The first meeting of the Programme Steering Committee with representatives from the Council of Europe Committee on Education Policy and Practice, ETINED, UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning, the ENIC-NARIC Network, the European University Association, the International Association of Universities, the European Student Union, Transparency International EU, Education International and the Federation for Education in Europe will be held on 13 April 2021. The Steering Committee will review and adapt the upcoming call as well as discuss the programme’s visibility and promotion.
The Best Practice Programme in Promoting Academic Integrity is in line with the ETINED mission, specifically with “sharing information and good practices among member States in the widest possible way and raising awareness of the issues of ethics, transparency and integrity in education”.
Further details on the call can be found on the Council of Europe’s website.