The second national Research Integrity Barometer survey is now open. The survey response period has been extended until April 28.
With this survey, the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK collects information of responsible research practices in the Finnish research community between 2019 and 2022. Research Integrity Barometer 2023 charts the following topics:
- Sources of information on research integrity
- Knowledge and learning of research integrity and responsible conduct of research
- Observations of suspected research misconduct
- Taking action when research misconduct is suspected
- Perceived impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on responsible conduct of research
The e-questionnaire has been sent on 13 March 2023 to all Finnish universities, universities of applied sciences and other research organisations that comply with the RCR guideline.
The survey is targeted at researchers and teachers, research administration and other personnel in research support services. The questionnaire is filled in anonymously, and personal data is not collected. Responses can be given in Finnish, Swedish or English.
The questionnaire is open until 28 April 2023. Links to the questionnaire are distributed in the internal communications channels of the organisations (intranet or email).
The barometer report will be published in 2023, and TENK uses the results to develop and promote responsible conduct of research in Finland. The first Finnish Research Integrity Barometer was carried out as a collaboration between the University of Vaasa and TENK, and Ari Salminen’s and Lotta Pitkänen’s report can be read here (PDF).
For more information, contact project coordinator Anni Sairio (anni.sairio@tenk.fi, +358 44 737 6381).