TENK has launched three new translations of the Finnish code of conduct for research integrity

Cover of the Russian-English edition.

In order to provide more assistance for the international research community in Finland, the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK has released three international editions of the guidelines on responsible conduct of research.

The guidelines are now available as the dual-language Chinese-English and Russian-English editions and in Spanish.

These editions provide an overview of the Finnish framework of research integrity: how the system works and how responsible conduct of research is defined in Finland.

The first section of each edition introduces Finland’s pioneering self-regulatory framework for research integrity, and outlines how this framework can be put into practice.

The second section of the edition describes what the code of conduct for research integrity means in Finland, and explains how allegations of research misconduct are investigated in Finland. This section is based on the Responsible conduct of research and procedures for handling allegations of misconduct in Finland (TENK 2013), the set of guidelines which Finnish research organisations have committed to following.

The Chinese-English edition was published in June 2019 at the World Conference on Research Integrity in Hong Kong.

The Russian-English and the Spanish editions were published in November 2019 at TENK’s Day of Discussion on Research Integrity in Helsinki.

The editions are available for download here:

The Chinese-English and the Russian-English editions were produced by TENK and the Responsible Research project.

The Spanish edition has been translated by the Instituto Iberoamericano de Finlandia at the Finnish Cultural Institute in Madrid.

For more information, please contact Senior Adviser Iina Kohonen, iina.kohonen(at)tenk.fi.

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