Due to the corona virus pandemic, the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK has decided to reschedule the ENRIO 2020 Congress on Research Integrity Practice to next year.
The decision was made together with the European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO). The congress will take place on 27-29 September 2021 instead of 5-7 October 2020. The venue of Aalto University in Espoo, Finland remains the same.
The peer review process was completed before the decision was made, and people who submitted proposals for workshops, presentations and posters will be contacted during April 2020. New registration dates and other important information will be posted on the congress website (external link).
We regret any inconvenience this may cause, but in light of the outlook for the current year, rescheduling the event was considered to be the right and responsible decision.
The congress has already attracted a lot of attention in research communities in Europe and beyond, and we warmly welcome everyone to the event in 2021. We are likely to be able to offer in 2021 the programme we planned for the present year, but new content will be added especially on research in the time of crisis, now a topical and urgent issue worldwide.
The congress is organised by TENK, ENRIO and Aalto University. For more information, please contact Conference Secretary Anni Sairio (anni.sairio at tsv.fi).
Image: Bruno Cervera, Unsplash