The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK has published its action plan for the next three-year term.
In order to fulfil the objectives of the 2019–2021 term, the most significant tasks of TENK in addition to its basic functions are:
- Publishing and making more widely known TENK’s updated guidelines on the principles of ethical research in the humanities and social and behavioural sciences, and committing research organisations to these guidelines as widely as possible.
- Analysing and utilizing the 2018 research integrity barometer data for prevention of research misconduct. Preparing to repeat the barometer survey every three years.
- Organising ENRIO’s European Congress on Research Integrity in Finland in October 2020.
- Fulfilling the responsibilities involved in ENRIO’s chairmanship in an exemplary fashion and developing the organisation structure of the ENRIO network.
- Developing the network of research integrity advisors and utilizing support personnel network effectively to promote responsible conduct of research in research organisations.
- Exploring the needs for information of research integrity in the international research community in Finland. Customizing information specifically in English and extending the range of foreign languages in TENK publications within resources.
- Updating the 2012 guidelines Responsible conduct of research and procedures for handling allegations of misconduct in Finland will be started in cooperation with the research community.
- Actively producing content for the official tenk.fi website and the electronic newsletter in collaboration with other TSV actors.
- TENK and TJNK's jointly produced Responsible Research website will be established and its article production is developed through visitor surveys.
As an additional objective, TENK’s operational focus could shift from monitoring research misconduct towards communication and international collaboration, i.e. to actively raising awareness of the Finnish responsible conduct of research among researchers of all ages and across all disciplines in Finland and also in Europe, and as a pilot project outside of Europe as well. At the same time, the integrity of Finland's internationalizing scientific community and the ethics, high quality and reliability of scientific research will continue to be safeguarded.
Download TENK's action plan for the term 1.2.2019 - 31.1.2022
Read more about TENK's functions in TENK's Annual Report 2018.