The need for ethical review of a project should be determined in an investigation proper (TENK 2018:9) 9.3.2021
Investigation proper should be initiated to determine the roles of authors in a publication (TENK 2018:7) 9.3.2021
Conducting research on the same area of study does not obligate reference to a specific study (TENK 2018:4) 9.3.2021
Preliminary inquiry should be initiated with regard to a researcher’s right to author status (TENK 2018:3) 9.3.2021
Suspected falsification of research result turned out to be a difference of opinion (TENK 2018:2) 9.3.2021
Deficiencies in the management of research projects, but no disregard for the responsible conduct of research (TENK 2018:1) 9.3.2021