The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK will open the second Research Integrity Barometer survey in early 2023. The first barometer was carried out in 2019.
This national barometer charts the views of the Finnish research community on the state of good scientific practice in Finland. One of the aims of this year’s barometer is to find out whether the COVID-19 pandemic had affected research practices in Finland.
The survey is carried out as an anonymous e-questionnaire, which TENK sends to all Finnish universities, universities of applied sciences and other research institutions that adhere to the RCR guidelines. Responses are hoped from research and teaching staff, science administration and directors in these organisations.
The first Research Integrity Barometer 2018 (PDF) report was published by Ari Salminen and Lotta Pitkänen.
For more information of the Research Integrity Barometer, contact Senior Coordinator Anni Sairio. anni.sairio at tenk.fi