Ethics of using AI in research

Last updated 19.12.2024
A Report, Guidelines, and Follow-Up Measures by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK)

The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK) has launched a project addressing the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI) in research. The initiative aims to produce a report on ethical issues related to the use of AI in various stages of research in Finland. Based on this report, TENK will draft a recommendation (a living document) on best practices for the ethical use of AI in research.

This recommendation will complement TENK's guidelines on research integrity (RI) and ethical review in human sciences in Finland. It is specifically designed to provide ethical review committees in the human sciences with tools to assess the need for ethical review in research utilizing AI.

The project has received funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture until June 30, 2026. An initial discussion on the project was held during the Ethics Day event (Etiikan päivä) in autumn 2024. The main activities of the project are scheduled for 2025–2026.

For more information, contact:

Senior adviser Petra Falin
