Project description and responsible party
The objective of LYTE project is to establish national ethical principles and ethical review model for research on nature and environment in Finland. This two-year project (2023–2025) funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture is coordinated by The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK. The purpose of the project and the ethical principles and ethical review model that it draws up is to increase awareness of the impacts of research on nature and the environment. The subject area is related to research in several different disciplines, such as natural sciences, bio- and geosciences, environmental research, and engineering research. The aim is thus to develop ethical discussion and reflection in the research conducted in these fields.
Project’s Steering Group
TENK serves as convener and chair of the project's Steering Group. Professor emerita Riitta Keiski, Chair of TENK, has been elected as the Chair of the Steering Group. The Steering Group also includes the following stakeholders:
- Laura Höijer, Research Director, Ministry of the Environment of Finland
- Minttu Jaakkola, Executive Director of Puistokatu 4, The Association of Finnish Foundations
- Emilia Kilpua, Professor (University of Helsinki), The Council of Finnish Academies
- Elina Nikkola, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland
- Maaria Nordman, Professor (Aalto University), The Council of Rectors of Finnish Universities (Unifi)
- Riikka Paloniemi, Director, Societal change unit (Finnish Environment Institute), Finnish Research Institute Partnership (Tulanet)
- Minna Räisänen, Science Adviser, Research Council of Finland
- Janne Salminen, Leading Research Scientist (HAMK), The Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences Arene
- Laura Taajamaa, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Education and Culture
Project's Working Group
The LYTE Working Group is chaired by Sirpa Thessler, TENK's Vice-chair and Director of Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). The Working Group also includes the following stakeholders:
- Juha Helenius, Professor, University of Helsinki
- Teppo Hujala, Professor, University of Eartearn Finland
- Emilia Jääskeläinen, Doctoral Reseracher, University of Oulu
- Elina Kaarlejärvi, Academy Research Fellow, University of Helsinki
- Hermanni Kaartokallio, Leading Researcher, Finnish Environment Institute
- Karoliina Koho, Head of Science and Innovations, Geological Survey of Finland GTK
- Simo Kyllönen, University Lecturer, University of Helsinki; member of TENK
- Essi Laitinen, Research Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
- Susanna Näreaho, Senior Advisor, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences; member of TENK
- Eva Ruusuvuori, University Lecturer, Univeristy of Helsinki
- Riitta Salmelin, Professor, Aalto University; member of TENK
- Anu Valtonen, Professor, University of Lapland
At TENK, Adviser Veera Launis (on leave from 20 September, 2024) and Adviser Oona Myllyntaus (tel. 044 493 2609, oona.myllyntaus(at) are responsible for coordinating the project.
Background work of the guidelines: a needs assessment and a series of discussion events
A needs assessment on the need for national ethical principles and ethical review in the fields of nature and environment was published in early 2023. Starting in August 2024, TENK has organized a series of discussion events, which deals with thematic issues of research on nature and the environment. The themes covered are aquatic environments, terrestrial environments, climate and outer space, animals, and nature cultures and society. The aim of the discussion series, which is especially aimed at researchers, is to find out what special features different themes have from the perspective of research ethics. Hundreds of researchers, experts, administrators and civil servants and others interested in research ethics have participated in the events.
News article 11 December 2023, about the start of the project
Past events
Ethical Questions in Research on Aquatic Environments, discussion event, 30 August 2024
Ethical Questions in Research on Terrestrial Environments, discussion event, 26 September 2024
Ethical Questions in Research on Atmosphere and Outer Space, discussion event, 20 November 2024
Upcoming events
Ethical questions in animal research, discussion event, 30 January 2025 at 10-12
Ethical issues of research on nature-cultures and society, discussion event, 27 February 2025 at 13-16
The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK. Veera Launis ja Eero Kaila. Luontoon ja ympäristöön kohdistuvan tutkimuksen kansallisten eettisten periaatteiden ja eettisen ennakkoarvioinnin tarvekartoitus. Study of The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK 2022. Publications of The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK 1/2023.
Photo: Juan Davila / Unsplash