Researchers must ensure that information about them in public expert profiles is accurate (TENK 2022:1) 4.4.2023
The RCR process was invalidated, since the person conducting the preliminary inquiry was disqualified (TENK 2017:7) 23.3.2021
Exaggerating a CV was not a gross violation, but allegations about manipulating the list of authors, plagiarism, and self-plagiarism should be investigated in an investigation proper (TENK 2019:18) 11.1.2021
Allegation of RCR misconduct was not malicious, although it did not result in a verified RCR violation (TENK 2019:2) 11.1.2021
Researcher’s contribution is a criterion of authorship. Allegation to be investigated: the exaggeration of achievements in application documents (for a public post) 25.3.2021