The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK has created a network of Research Integrity Advisers. Since the start of 2017, TENK has trained more than 100 advisers in more than 60 research organisations to provide low-threshold personal advice on research integrity. The system was founded on a need to reinforce awareness of responsible conduct of research among the increasingly international research community in Finland.
The advisers give advice to researchers and other staff in their organisation. The discussion with an adviser is absolutely confidential. They may be asked for advice, if, for example, there is a suspicion of a violation of responsible conduct of research or if someone has themselves been suspected of a violation.
The advisers are familiar with the responsible conduct of research (RCR) investigation process monitored by TENK and may, for example, provide assistance in drafting an RCR notification. However, they are not lawyers. They are a neutral source of advice, and they can, where necessary, provide advice to both parties in a dispute. The advisers do not participate in the RCR process and they do not give their view on whether misconduct has occurred. That decision is made by the top management of the organisation according to the RCR process.
Research Integrity Advisers perform these duties alongside their own work and attend annual training offered by TENK. Advisers operate in the majority of Finnish research organisations and their contact details can usually be found on the organisation’s intranet. A list of organisations involved in the adviser system can be found TENK’s website (in Finnish).
- Recommendations of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK for Research Integrity Advisers (PDF) (published 15.2.2018)
- Read more about Research Integrity Advisers from Responsible Research Articles.
More information: Senior Coordinator Anni Sairio, see Contact information.