Etiikan päivä 2014: Tiede, etiikka, politiikka


Etiikan päivä on vuosittain järjestettävä tieteen eettisiä kysymyksiä käsittelevä seminaari. Pääjärjestäjänä on tutkimuseettinen neuvottelukunta (TENK).
Ethics Day is an annual seminar addressing ethical questions in science. Its chief organiser is the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity (TENK).

Etiikan päivä 2014 järjestettiin 18.3.2014 Tieteiden talolla Helsingissä. Päivän teemana oli "tiede, etiikka, politiikka", tutkimustietoon perustuva päätöksenteko. Pääpuhujaksi saapui professori Anne Glover, Euroopan komission puheenjohtajan José Manuel Barroson tieteellinen neuvonantaja. Kotimaisen näkökulman keskusteluun toivat mm. tutkimustietoon perustuvan neuvonannon selvitysmiehenä toimiva kansleri emeritus Kari Raivio sekä strategisen tutkimuksen rahoituksesta jatkossa vastaavan Suomen Akatemian pääjohtaja Heikki Mannila.

PROGRAMME  (morning)

9.30  Registration and Coffee

10.00 Welcoming words from TENK: Research integrity - Whose responsibility?

  • Chancellor Krista Varantola, University of Tampere, Chair of the Finnish Advisory Board of Research Integrity (TENK)

10.20 Science and society: time for a new deal

  • Chair: Academician of Science, Dean Risto Nieminen, Aalto University, Chair of the Committee for Public Information in Finland (TJNK)
  • What would an ethical approach to decision-making look like? Professor Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Adviser to the President of the European Commission
  • Evidence-based policy or policy-based evidence, Chancellor Emeritus Kari Raivio, appointed by the Prime Minister’s Office to examine advisory functions in relation to decision-making in Finland


12.00 - 13.00 Break

OHJELMA (iltapäivä)

13.00 - 15.00 Rinnakkaissessiot

SALI 104 - Sessio 1 Cherry picking: Tiedon valikoiva käyttö

Erilaisten mielipiteiden ja väitteiden esittäminen tietoverkkojen kautta on helppoa ja nopeaa. Tutkimustuloksia, faktaa, löytyy tukemaan lähes jokaista väitettä. ”Cherry picking” on tutkimustulosten valikoivaa käyttöä, jolloin perusteluina käytetään vain se osa tietoa, joka tukee omaa argumenttia. Poimitaanko Suomessa rusinat pullasta? Mitkä ovat luotettavan tiedon tuntomerkit? Löytyykö tutkimustieto helposti ja nopeasti, silloin kun sitä tarvitaan?

Keskusteluun johdattavat kansanedustaja Sanna Lauslahti (Tutkas), lääketieteen etiikan dosentti, yliopistonlehtori Pekka Louhiala (Helsingin yliopisto, Hjelt-instituutti, TENK) ja LKT, pääsihteeri emeritus Harri Vertio (Suomen Syöpäyhdistys). Keskustelun juontaa ja toimittajanäkökulman tarjoaa Antti Blåfield.

Järjestäjät: Tiedonjulkistamisen neuvottelukunta (TJNK) ja Valtakunnallinen sosiaali- ja terveysalan eettinen neuvottelukunta (ETENE)

SALI 309 - Sessio 2  Kliiniset lääketutkimukset: Tiedettä vai tuotekehittelyä?

  • Onko yhteistyö lääketeollisuuden kanssa lähtökohtaisesti epäilyttävää? Pääjohtaja Juhani Eskola, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinninlaitos THL
  • Kliiniset lääketutkimukset – yliopistosairaalan näkökulma, Tutkimusjohtaja Lasse Viinikka, Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiiri HUS
  • Tutkijan näkökulma - rahanahneutta vai tiedettä? Professori Timo Strandberg, Helsingin yliopisto, Oulun yliopisto
  • Kliinisten lääketutkimusten tieteellisyys – lääketeollisuuden näkökulma, Lääketieteellisen yksikön päällikkö Mikko Kuoppamäki, Orion Pharma

Keskustelun puheenjohtajana toimii TUKIJAn puheenjohtaja, professori Heikki Ruskoaho, Helsingin yliopisto.

Järjestäjä: Valtakunnallinen lääketieteellinen tutkimuseettinen toimikunta (TUKIJA)

SALI 505 - Sessio 3  Tutkimuksesta päätöksiksi: Onko eettistä olla hyödyntämättä tietoa?

  • Kuinka muuntogeenisten kasvien hyväksymismenettelyjä tulisi kehittää? Dosentti Osmo Kuusi, Aalto-yliopisto, Turun yliopiston Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskus
  • Tietämättömyys geenitekniikkavastaisuuden selityksenä: kriittisiä huomioita, VTT Marko Ahteensuu, Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo, Helsingin yliopisto ja dosentti Helena Siipi, Turku Institute for Advanced Sciences ja Filosofian oppiaine, Turun yliopisto
  • Miten suomalaiset suhtautuvat biopankkeihin? Tutkijatohtori Karoliina Snell, Helsingin yliopisto
  • Genomitieto kliinikon apuna nyt ja tulevaisuudessa, professori Helena Kääriäinen, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinninlaitos THL

Järjestäjät: Biotekniikan neuvottelukunta (BTNK) ja Geenitekniikan lautakunta (GTLK)

14.30 - 15.00 Kahvitarjoilu

15.00 - 16.00 Päivän yhteenveto

  • Terveiset rinnakkaissessioista, Raimo Sulkava, Valtakunnallisen sosiaali- ja terveysalan eettisen neuvottelukunnan (ETENE) varapuheenjohtaja
  • Suomen Akatemian puheenvuoro, Pääjohtaja Heikki Mannila, Suomen Akatemia
  • Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön puheenvuoro, Neuvotteleva virkamies Ilkka Turunen, opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö




  • Anne Glover: Anne Glover joined the European Commission as Chief Scientific Adviser to the President in January 2012, being the first person to hold this position. In her role she chairs the President's Science & Technology Advisory Council. Prior to her current appointment she was Chief Scientific Adviser for Scotland from 2006-2011. Having graduated from the University of Edinburgh and obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, Anne Glover holds a Personal Chair of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of Aberdeen.
  • Kari Raivio: Chancellor (Emeritus) Kari Raivio has done an extensive career both in medical research and in clinical practice. Alongside his scholarly pursuits, he has held several administrative positions at the university and served as Rector and Chancellor of the University of Helsinki. Chancellor Raivio has also acted in numerous national and international organizations. For example, including as the Vice-President for Scientific Planning and Review of the International Council For Science (ICSU). In the beginning of the year 2014, The Prime Minister's Office invited Chancellor Raivio to examine ways of providing advisory functions based on researched information that will facilitate decision-making.
  • Heikki Mannila: President Mannila earned his Ph.D. in computer science in 1985 from the University of Helsinki and for many years he was a professor at the University of Helsinki himself. From 2004 to 2008 he was Academy Professor at the Academy of Finland. He became Vice President for Academic Affairs at Aalto University in 2009, and was appointed by the Finnish government as president of the Academy of Finland for a term lasting from 2012 to 2017. Mannila is known for his research in data mining, and has published highly cited papers on association rule learning and sequence mining.


  • Marko Ahteensuu: DSocSc Marko Ahteensuu has studied the ethical aspects of a precautionary approach and participatory decision-making practices in modern agri-biotechnology. He is a member of the Finnish Board for Gene Technology.
  • Antti Blåfield
  • Juhani Eskola: Juhani Eskola is currently Director General of Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare, THL. Before his career at THL, he has been studying and developing vaccines both in Finland and abroad. In the past he has served as Senior Vice President in an international pharmaceutical company Aventis Pasteur in Lyon, France, and as Visiting Professor at Imperial College in London. Prof Eskola has also been active in international organizations, e.g. WHO (member of the SAGE committee), TBVI (Chair of the Steering Committee) and IVI (Board member).
  • Mikko Kuoppamäki: MD, Adjunct Professor of Neurology. He has a long history as a clinician and in non-clinical and clinical research mainly relating to different CNS disorders, both in academia and in pharmaceutical industry. He was a visiting research fellow in London at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square and at the Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Centre, King’s College during 2000-2002. He is currently chairing The Finnish Movement Disorder Society, A Division of The Finnish Neurological Society and is the Head of Medical Affairs Team/R&D at Orion Pharma.
  • Osmo Kuusi: Ph.D. Osmo Kuusi is expert in futures studies, innovation studies, foresight and technology assessment.  He is the Adjunct Professor in the futures and innovation studies in the Aalto University and the Scientific Adviser of the Futures Research Centre in Turku.
  • Helena Kääriäinen
  • Sanna Lauslahti: D.Sc.(Admin.),MP of the Finnish Parliament, member of the Education and Culture Committee, member of the Social Affairs and Health Committee, member of Tutkas (the society for scientists and MPs in Finland).
  • Markku Lehto: DSocSc, Chair of the National Advisory Board on Social Welfare and Health Care Ethics since 2006.
  • Pekka Louhiala: D.Med.Sci., Ph.D., University lecturer in medical ethics in the Hjelt Institue, University of Helsinki.
  • Riitta Maijala: Director of the Science Policy Division, Department for Higher Education and Science Policy, Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • Risto Nieminen: Dean, D.Sc. (Tech.) and Aalto Professor Risto Nieminen has worked as Distinguished Professor of the School of Science in the Aalto University (Department of Applied Physics), Director of the COMP Centre of Excellence in Computational Nanoscience, and Director of the National Graduate School in Materials Physics. He is currently the Chair of the Committee for Public Information in Finland. In 2014 Risto Nieminen was granted the title of Academician of Science by the President of the Republic.
  • Heikki Ruskoaho: Professor of Pharmacology and Drug Development, Division of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, University of Helsinki. Chair of National Committee of Research Ethics TUKIJA.
  • Helena Siipi: Docent Helena Siipi studies applied ethics and environmental philosophy. She is currently working as a collegium researcher in the Turku Institute for Advanced Sciences and the Unit of Philosophy, University of Turku, Finland.
  • Karoliina Snell: DSocSc Karoliina Snell is post-doctoral researcher at Biomedicine in Society (BitS) research platform at University of Helsinki. She has done research on social responsibility in developing new technologies, public opinion on biomedicine, and social, ethical and legal aspects to biobanks.
  • Timo Strandberg: Professor of geriatrics at the Universities of Helsinki and Oulu, Finland. International expert in geriatrics, President of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS). Significant interests in ageing and nutrition, frailty, cardiovascular diseases, medication, and cognitive dysfunction and Alzheimer’s disease. Primary investigator/investigator in several national and international clinical treatment trials.
  • Krista Varantola: Chancellor, PhD Krista Varantola has worked as Professor of English at School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies in the University of Tampere since 1989 and as Chancellor since 2009. She is a member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters as well as a number of national and Nordic academic boards, research councils and foundations. She served twice on the Science and Technology Policy Council of Finland (chaired by the Prime Minister). She is currently the Chair of the Finnish Advisory Board for Research Integrity.
  • Harri Vertio: Harri Vertio, MD, PhD, has worked in the field of health promotion and health policy both in the public sector and the third sector. He retired from the Cancer Society of Finland in 2012. He is the chair of the Board of Terhosäätiö.
  • Lasse Viinikka: Professor Lasse Viinikka has since the year 2009 been the Chief Research Officer of Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa. Before that he served in different tasks in the clinical laboratories of Oulu and Helsinki University Central Hospitals for about 35 years. The position of Chief Executive and Leading Physician of Public Laboratory Service Company HUSLAB (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) was the last post in this career line. Viinikka has published more than two hundred scientific reports, editorials and reviews on reproductive endocrinology, epidermal growth factor and biology of vascular endothelium.
Tapahtuman teemat
Tapahtuman järjestäjä
Tutkimuseettinen neuvottelukunta (TENK)