Here you will find ethical codes and guidelines by Finnish and international actors other than TENK.
Data management guidelines
- Data magagement guidelines (Finnish Social Science Data Archive)
Codes for Occupational Ethics
- The Code of Conduct for Lawyers (pdf)
- Code of Medical Ethics (The Finnish Medical Association)
- Data magagement guidelines (Finnish Social Science Data Archive)
- Discussion about Museum Ethics in Finland (pdf)
- Ethical Principles of Teaching
- Guidelines for Journalists (The Union of Journalists in Finland)
- Professors' Ethical Guidelines (The Finnish Union of University Professors)
Ethical guidelines for Finnish universities of applied sciences
- Ethical recommendations for thesis writing at universities of applied sciences (Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences Arene 2020)
International codes and guidelines
- Recommendations for the Investigation of Research Misconduct (European Research Integrity Offices ENRIO 2019)
- European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. (All European Academies ALLEA 2017)
- Authorship in scientific publications. Analysis and recommendations (Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences 2013)
- Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE)
- Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE 2011)
- Guidelines for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (The Norwegian National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology 2016)
- Guidelines for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences, Humanities, Law and Theology (The Norwegian National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities 2016)
- The Hague Etchical Guidelines (OPCW)
- The Nuremberg Code
- OECD Best Practices for Ensuring Scientific Integrity & Final report
- Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinshaft 1998 / 2013)
- The Belmont report (National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research 1976)
- The Declaration of Helsinki (World Medical Association 1964)
- World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI) statements: Amsterdam Agenda (5th World Conference on Research Integrity 2017), Montreal Statement on Research Integirty (3th World Conference on Research Integrity 2013), Singapore Statement on Research Integrity (2nd World Conference on Research Integrity 2010)
Advice on scientific writing
- Be a good writer, good study practice and instructions on the University of Helsinki website (the site is temporarily unavailable)
- The Basics of APA Style tutorial