Shortcomings related to the quality of a Master's thesis did not prove to be RI violations (TENK 2023:6) 6.6.2024
Rejection of an article in the peer review process was not an RCR violation (TENK 2022:7 and TENK 2022:8) 4.4.2023
The list of authors for the translated versions had to also be corrected. The rector’s decision should have named those responsible for the RCR violation. (TENK 2021:6) 1.6.2022
An investigation proper was necessary because, in addition to inadequate anonymisation, there was a suspicion of a more serious RCR violation than reported (TENK 2020:9) 27.5.2021
Conflict of interest, malicious accusations and international cooperation in the RCR process (TENK 2020:8) 27.5.2021