Do you conduct research in Finland? Do you know where to look for advice for the integrity and high ethical standards in research?
This event highlights findings from the Finnish Research Integrity Barometer 2023 (to be available in English) and explores ways to promote a culture of integrity within research groups, including where to seek help when issues occur.
The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK promotes responsible conduct of research and prevents research misconduct across all research disciplines in Finland. TENK’s guidelines and recommendations on good research practices have been adopted by all Finnish research organisations. Join our online event on 10 September to learn about the Finnish research integrity system and TENK’s recommendations. The event is open to all and geared towards international researchers working in Finland.
Kalle Videnoja, Expert, TENK
Observations from the Research Integrity Barometer 2023
Anni Sairio, Senior Coordinator, TENK
Communicating research integrity within research groups
Professor Riitta Salmelin, Aalto University
Overview of TENK’s guidelines
Kalle Videnoja, Expert, TENK
The ethical principles of research with human participants and ethical review in the human sciences in Finland
Petra Falin, Senior Adviser, TENK
When help is needed: the Finnish Research Integrity Adviser system
Anni Sairio, Senior Coordinator, TENK
Zoom link:
Research integrity morning
Tuesday 10 September 2024 at 10-12am