The use of test materials was part of the research group's activities and there was no RI violation related to its use. (TENK 2023:3)

Researcher A from University X submitted a notification of a suspected RI violation, in which they suspected that Postdoctoral researcher B and project researcher C from University Y had committed a violation related to authorship. According to A, A had carried out experiments in a project led by B, the results of which ended up in an article published by B, C and three other authors in 2012. According to A, this had been an RI violation because A had not been asked to join the article's author group. A was dissatisfied with the RI preliminary investigation decision made by the President of University Y in the matter, according to which no RI violation had taken place.

In its statement, TENK concluded that the experiments carried out by A and B were experiments carried out within the framework of the same research group. B had been a principal investigator in their research group and was responsible for the division of tasks within the research group. TENK found that neither B nor C had committed an RI violation and that the RI process in question had been carried out in accordance with TENK's Guidelines.