A co-author could not retrospectively question the authorship order of a joint article (TENK 2021:9) 1.6.2022
The list of authors for the translated versions had to also be corrected. The rector’s decision should have named those responsible for the RCR violation. (TENK 2021:6) 1.6.2022
A joint article cited the author’s previous joint publications in a deficient and inappropriate manner. Nevertheless, the criteria for plagiarism were not met. (TENK 2021:5) 1.6.2022
Failure to cite a study on the same topic in a Master’s thesis was not a RCR violation (TENK 2021:4) 1.6.2022
The error in a dissertation was larger than a single bibliographical citation, but not so serious that it would constitute a RCR violation. The corrective actions taken were sufficient. (TENK 2021:3) 1.6.2022
The supervisors of a dissertation were not found guilty of a RCR violation in an authorship dispute (TENK 2021:2) 1.6.2022
Preliminary inquiry of suspected plagiarism in a non-fiction book was not based on the RCR guidelines (TENK 2021:1) 1.6.2022
There was no need to investigate an allegation regarding a Master’s thesis dating back over 20 years (TENK 2020:12) 27.5.2021