TENK's statement summaries

Last updated 7.6.2024

On this page you can search summaries of statements issued by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK concerning allegations of violations of research integrity (RI).

Allegations of RI violations are always investigated within the organisation in which the suspected violation occurred or where the person against whom the allegation is made was working when it occurred. Once the allegation has first been addressed under the organisation’s RI process, the party dissatisfied with the ruling may request a statement from TENK. 

TENK restricts its statement to questions of research integrity. Therefore its statements only state whether an RI investigation has been performed in accordance with the RI guidelines and whether there has been a violation of responsible conduct of research.

Direct references to involved parties and the organisations where the allegation in question was handled have been removed from the summaries. Summaries can be used e.g. for educational purposes under a CC BY license.

You can search the statement summaries by using the following filters. Links open in a new tab.


Professor A of university X suspected that professor B and researcher C of university Y were guilty of inadequate…


Professor A’s research group in the field of social sciences included a foreign researcher B, who worked as a visiting…


Docent A considered that interviews implemented in a project in the field of humanities had been partly carried out in a…


Postgraduate student A in the field of medical science considered that their doctoral supervisor B and head of department…


Researcher A welcomed the outcome of an RCR process carried out by a university, in which researcher B was found guilty of…


Company X suspected that a report written by technology researchers was not impartial. The report had been used as an…


Doctor of Natural Sciences A alleged that researchers and directors of a university had been guilty of falsification or…


Doctor of Natural Sciences A alleged that between 2005 and 2006 a university’s Emeritus Professor B had made it difficult…


Doctor of Natural Sciences A suspected that researchers and directors of a research institute were guilty of falsification or disregard for the…


Researcher A from the field of social sciences saw that researcher B from the same field wrote a chapter in a web publication that had matching…


Researcher A suspected researchers B, C and D of disregard for the responsible conduct of research by not including A in the list of editors in a…


Professor A suspected that researcher B from the field of technology has exaggerated their achievements in their curriculum vitae (CV).…


Based on a preliminary inquiry, a university saw that Master of Arts A was guilty of a violation of the responsible conduct of research in their…


Company X alleged that a report written by researchers in the field of technology was not impartial. The report was used as an expert opinion in a…


Researcher A from the field of law suspected reviewer B to be guilty of inappropriately hampering the work of a researcher in the application…


Researcher A from the field of social sciences suspected that doctoral student B had plagiarised A’s doctoral dissertation…


Master of Arts A applying for doctoral studies in arts suspected that lecturer B had plagiarised and misappropriated a new idea developed in A’s…


Researcher C from the field of science and technology, mentioned in the previous statement summary, requested a statement from TENK concerning the…


Researchers A and B from the field of science and technology deemed researcher C to have exaggerated their curriculum vitae (CV) in applying for a…


Docent A felt that interviews conducted in a project in the field of humanities had been carried out in part in a manner that might cause…