TENK's statement summaries

Last updated 7.6.2024

On this page you can search summaries of statements issued by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK concerning allegations of violations of research integrity (RI).

Allegations of RI violations are always investigated within the organisation in which the suspected violation occurred or where the person against whom the allegation is made was working when it occurred. Once the allegation has first been addressed under the organisation’s RI process, the party dissatisfied with the ruling may request a statement from TENK. 

TENK restricts its statement to questions of research integrity. Therefore its statements only state whether an RI investigation has been performed in accordance with the RI guidelines and whether there has been a violation of responsible conduct of research.

Direct references to involved parties and the organisations where the allegation in question was handled have been removed from the summaries. Summaries can be used e.g. for educational purposes under a CC BY license.

You can search the statement summaries by using the following filters. Links open in a new tab.


The university investigated a notification stating that the project application prepared by humanities professor A and his team…


A suspected that doctoral candidate B had expressed the topic of his doctoral dissertation in a misleading way and thus obtained…


University doctoral candidate X suspected Professor A, who was the supervisor of his doctoral dissertation, of inappropriately…


Company X suspected that the commissioned research report of technology company A had exaggerated the list of authors, engaged…


According to A, the university’s economics teachers B and C had given an illegal assignment in their course. It was alleged that…


Professor A had acted as the Phd supervisor of natural sciences doctoral researcher B and co-author in all of the separate…


Technical professor A suspected that university X’s management was guilty of stealing their research ideas and plans. According…


According to a RCR notification made by Professor A, grant-funded…


Researcher A suspected that researchers B, C and D were guilty of disregard for responsible conduct of research when…


Professor A suspected that technical researcher B had plagiarised a chapter of a book in a joint article and marked X as the…


A suspected that B’s technical master’s thesis included plagiarism of A’s master’s thesis, which was published in 2007.…


A suspected that B’s doctoral dissertation in the field of human sciences contained incorrect information and an incorrectly…


A university’s natural sciences (biomedicine) doctoral candidate X suspected that professor A, who had supervised the…


A group of researchers suspected that the human sciences non-fiction book published by professor A and docent B contained…


Research institution X published an annual report in the field of social sciences, and included the names of researchers A…


A suspected that B’s Master’s thesis in the field of humanities, approved in 1997, included falsification, fabrication and…


Student A suspected that doctoral candidates B and C in the field of humanities had presented inappropriate learning…


Docent A in the field of humanities had been suspected of an RCR violation. Persons who submitted the notification of the…