TENK's statement summaries

Last updated 7.6.2024

On this page you can search summaries of statements issued by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK concerning allegations of violations of research integrity (RI).

Allegations of RI violations are always investigated within the organisation in which the suspected violation occurred or where the person against whom the allegation is made was working when it occurred. Once the allegation has first been addressed under the organisation’s RI process, the party dissatisfied with the ruling may request a statement from TENK. 

TENK restricts its statement to questions of research integrity. Therefore its statements only state whether an RI investigation has been performed in accordance with the RI guidelines and whether there has been a violation of responsible conduct of research.

Direct references to involved parties and the organisations where the allegation in question was handled have been removed from the summaries. Summaries can be used e.g. for educational purposes under a CC BY license.

You can search the statement summaries by using the following filters. Links open in a new tab.


Doctor A made the allegation that the application documents of doctor B, who had been elected as professor in the field of arts, included…


A, who had been working as a research assistant in a project in the field of engineering, noticed after the end of their employment that the…


Licentiate A in the field of humanities alleged that the supervisor of their dissertation, professor B, had plagiarised A’s research plan and…


An association in the field of medicine and health sciences suspected that a doctoral dissertation in its field included plagiarism. It was a…


Researchers A and B in the field of humanities felt that researcher C, active in a different science but investigating the same area, should have…


Researcher A felt that as they were not identified as one of the authors in a collection of works published by university X based on the work of a…


Docent A had made an allegation to the university’s rector, stating that a doctoral dissertation being examined at the department of medicine…


A, a former doctoral student of the university, requested a statement from TENK in a case in which the university’s investigations had started…


An association acting in the field of social sciences suspected that falsification had occurred in two doctoral dissertations of the field.…


A university lecturer presented the university an allegation of an RCR violation concerning a postgraduate student in agriculture and forestry who…


Doctor A presented an allegation that exaggeration of one’s own scientific and scholarly achievements occurred in the application documents of B,…


An association operating in the field of medical and health sciences suspected plagiarism in a doctoral dissertation related to its field. The…


A, a doctor in humanities, suspected that B, a professor in the same field, was guilty of misappropriation as well as inappropriate hampering and…


A, a private person suspected that B, a lecturer at the university of applied sciences X, and C, a person belonging to the management of the…


Docent A suspected that professors B and C, experts of a certain university who took part in the appointments process of a university lecturer, as…


Researcher A had made an RCR notification to the rector of university of applied sciences X. A alleged that B, a lecturer in technology at…


A, a doctor in humanities, suspected that B, a professor in the same field, was guilty of theft as well as inappropriate hampering and delaying of…


A, a professor working as the lead researcher in a research project in technology…


A university was notified of an alleged plagiarism concerning a Master’s thesis in social sciences accepted at the university. In the preliminary…


A, a medical researcher, had presented to his/her former university employer an allegation that B, a professor in the same field, and C, a junior…